Meet the Authors

Originally from the Chicago area, Paul earned his college degree that attracted him to Big Pharma. While building a 35-year career in Sales and Marketing, he also developed a life-long stewardship in religious education of young people through several church communities. His focus celebrated traditional moral values as a necessary foundation toward a well-balanced life. While retired, his weekly volunteer service for the needy continues at the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Paul looks forward to the restoration of long-held Christian principles which served us well for over 100 years. He enjoys reading, fishing, golf and bocce. He resides in Geneva, Illinois with his wife.

Born in Europe and raised in Chicago, Steve took his dad’s advice to learn English seriously. He developed a love for the language and later earned a Masters at DePaul University. Following a 40-year career in the printing industry, he enjoyed early retirement years teaching English at area colleges. He’s written two other novels, several screenplays and two volumes of poetry. Steve has nurtured a life-long desire for cultural and racial divisions to yield to Christian unity. Many insist we evolve from profound life-altering events. This may be true, but Steve believes it’s the unpretentious, simple occurrences, the unnoticed subtleties that shape us. He lives with his wife in Addison, Illinois.
Reader's Guide

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Main Theme
The main idea or meaning explored in the story: Subjective relativism via justification and rationalization of wrong-doing
An image or idea that repeats in the story: Fishing/Search for Regeneration/Doing the Right Thing/Attention to trees/Slippery slope of Wrong-Doing/Therapy by Water
Symbols represent bigger ideas/story reveals more than plot line or events/story builds additional layers of meaning